Exam Questions

Two questions for the test will be selected from the following:

Question 1

In what ways did nationalism change its character and meaning from the French Revolution to 1900?

Question 2

In what ways did thinking about war change in the course of the 19th century?

Question 3

What did being a "citizen" mean in nineteenth-century nations? Did it change over time?

Question 4

In what ways did war shape the nation-state,as it developed in the nineteenth century? You should draw on at least 3 of the case studies examined in the unit.

Assessment criteria

  • relevance in answering question
  • informed analysis of the question
  • a sound understanding of key concepts and terms
  • a clear,k logical, well-structure argument (including sound introduction and conclusion)
  • ability to provide relevant evidence for all key points
  • clear, grammatical English
  • a sound understanding of relevant social, political, intellectual and economic developments in eighteenth-century and early nineteenth-century Europe and America
  • an understanding of the historical debates on the period